About Me
Serena is a teen who loves traveling, food (cooking + eating) and learning new things. No kidding. She'll want to learn everything.
She took pole fitness classes at age 12 (after trying ballet, hip hop and jazz). She attended all of Tony Robbin’s virtual events for personal development. Walked on hot coals when she was 7. Won a $500 award for her artwork when she was 9. Got a black belt when she was 11. Battled a dragon at age 13. (Just kidding about the last one, but really, she might want to learn that too.)
But in the end, she’s just a girl trying to figure herself out. She cries for no particular reason other than the fact that it feels good to be sad. She gets moody on her period and throws 3-second temper tantrums on the floor to procrastinate. She has an infatuation with Kpop bands and loves forgetting about reality through a good book. She compares herself to others and beats herself up for not doing enough. She absolutely loves her family but will also get fed up with them at times. But like everyone else, she dusts herself off and gets ready to put on another show for the world tomorrow. Pretending that life is easy.